It’s a pillow lamp. 

In my original idea, this lamp could light up automatically when environment getting dark. When users laying heads on it, the light turns off. 

But there is some problem with ATTiny. Finally the lamp can be turned off when laying heads on it. But it can’t light up automatically when environment getting dark.

The circuit and code are learned from

//                        attiny85
//                   reset -+---+- power
// (on while touching) pb3 -+*  +- pb2 (toggled by touch)
//       (touch input) pb4 -+   +- pb1 (fading while touching)
//                  ground -+---+- pb0 (fading always)

int fadepin1 = 0; // the led that fades on and off
int fadepin2 = 1; // the led that fades on and off while you're touching the input pin
int togglepin = 2; // the led that's toggled when you touch the input pin
int steadypin = 3; // the led that's on while you're touching the input pin

int calibration = 0;
int previous;

int randomval = 0;
int fadeval = 0, fadestep = 1;
int togglestate = LOW;

void setup()
  pinMode(fadepin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(fadepin2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(togglepin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(steadypin, OUTPUT);
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    calibration += chargeTime(PB4);
  calibration = (calibration + 4) / 8;

void loop()
  int n = chargeTime(PB4);
  if (n > calibration) digitalWrite(steadypin, LOW);
  else digitalWrite(steadypin, HIGH);
  analogWrite(fadepin1, fadeval);
  if (n > calibration) analogWrite(fadepin2, fadeval);
  else analogWrite(fadepin2, 0);
  fadeval = fadeval + fadestep;
  if (fadeval == 255) fadestep = -1;
  if (fadeval == 0) fadestep = 1;
  if (previous <= calibration && n > calibration) {
    if (togglestate == LOW) togglestate = HIGH;
    else togglestate = LOW;
    digitalWrite(togglepin, togglestate);
  previous = n;

byte chargeTime(byte pin)
  byte mask = (1 << pin);
  byte i;

  DDRB &= ~mask; // input
  PORTB |= mask; // pull-up on

  for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    if (PINB & mask) break;

  PORTB &= ~mask; // pull-up off
  DDRB |= mask; // discharge

  return i;

I used copper tape and conductive clothes for making the circuit. I haven't manipulated photocell sensor finally, as I haven't solved the problem with ATtiny.

Prototype for circuit.